Hi! I’m Christine aka Lexy, an intuitive wellness and mindset coach.

My vision is to inspire and empower as many women as possible and guide them in achieving their goal body in a sustainable manner alongside building unshakeable confidence within.

By combining my passion and knowledge in fitness alongside mindset work and NLP techniques, I’m able to work both from the outside in as well as the inside out to help build a resilient mindset and a well-rounded healthy lifestyle


my loves


my passions


a little more about me

I was never truly the “fit” girl growing up. While I did play some sports in school, I never knew too much about eating right. Add in constantly being told that ‘girls don’t lift weights’ and ‘don’t play too much sports or you’ll get bulky and gain unsightly muscles’; I definitely had a skewed concept to what “healthy” actually was.

In fact, the best part of my life (from the age of 13 up until 4-5 years ago) was filled with me trying COUNTLESS diets, shakes, pills... Even that weird thing where you get wrapped up in “treated linen” like a mummy and sit in a cold room!

NOTHING WORKED!! This left me absolutely defeated and thinking that I was going to be huge, unfit and hating myself for the rest of my life.

My mental health took the biggest hit when I started living alone. The years of struggling, failures and bullying took a HUGE TOLL on me. Nothing I could do would make me feel any better about myself. I was embarrassed and hiding from the world – everything was just too much to handle!


The biggest shock for me was when I hit absolute rock bottom and was in and out of “care” for my own safety. I didn’t really want to lose myself! So, after a long hard look at myself, I began the rough, long, journey of finding my feet again.

My most defining moment was realising that mindset is absolutely important to achieving anything in life. Since then, I focused on finding a solution that was sustainable long term (lifetime). Something adjustable to what life can throw at me, repeatable and best of all made me FEEL GOOD!!

Once I started using this process, I saw, slowly but surely, the more I actually took ownership of my life, physical changes started to happen! Best of all, my life was falling into place!


My approach

Fitness isn’t just about “go all out” and “one size fits all”. Focusing on client-led sessions, I work with you to identify and breakthrough limiting beliefs; alongside teaching you the fundamentals of a “work smarter, not harder” framework. As an intuitive coach, I find the right balance between being firm and empathetic. Giving you just what you need to be accountable to your goals; as well as the right amount of support and encouragement. I’m all about finding what works for you - within reason - to create an easy, sustainable healthy lifestyle that allows you to live your life too.

As I believe that working on the inside out is just as important as the outside in; creating a resilient and confident mindset is a huge part of my coaching. Using NLP techniques alongside my coaching knowledge, we get to identify what is holding you back and help you step out of your comfort zone to achieve the goals you have always dreamed of.