phoenix rising

Kickstart Your Journey. Take Charge Of Your Confidence.


Are you ready to take charge of not only your health and fitness but also your life?

Very few women are committed enough to realise that the road to their health and fitness goals are not just about exercise and dieting.

It is about taking charge of your MINDSET and BELIEFS so that everything else in life falls into place.

Women like you and I are committed not only to achieving an amazing physical goal, but also to grow, to strengthen our mental resilience and break through limiting beliefs as well. Finding harmony between our own health and our lifestyle (work, family, social).

  • This 6 week program is designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to build a strong, toned body through creating sustainable habits, a resilient mindset and supportive community.

who is it for?

The Phoenix Rising Program is for women who are READY to create that strong, toned body SUSTAINABLY; alongside building unshakeable confidence.

We’re talking about achieving your health and fitness goals without needing to spend HOURS at the gym, stress about numbers and calories or starve yourself to get there.

It’s about finding a system that works FOR YOU and knowing that it’s easy to follow, adapt and it creates LONG TERM results!

So if you’re truly wanting…

  • To STOP feeling overwhelmed

  • To STOP using time as an excuse

  • To STOP feeling like you need to starve or restrict yourself

and instead wanting…

  • To feel like you’re not alone on this journey

  • To have consistent support and accountability

  • To gain the KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTAND a simple process that adapts to your life

Then you’re exactly where you need to be! Keep reading to learn how this program could impact YOUR LIFE!

“I thought it was going to be hard, but it really wasn’t.”

— Zoe

3 criteria you must meet for our phoenix rising program to work for you…

  • Criteria #1 - You must be ready to make a change

    Because to truly get you to your goals, we will be doing things differently. Our changes are small and steady but they are still changes. What you’ve done so far hasn’t worked so it’s time to let go and step out of your comfort zone.

  • Criteria #2 - you must be open to listening, learning and taking action

    Because we’re working to create a lifestyle that works FOR YOU. It is essential that you allow us to be your best coach, for open comunication and honesty to go both ways. To share, listen and take aligned action to your goals.

  • Criteria #3 - You must have a deep desire to get to your goals

    While this sounds obvious, you TRULY need to be absolutely DRIVEN to achieve your goals. It’s not going to be easy to let go of your habits, of stepping out of your comfot zone and face the unknown. You’ve really got to want it. “It would be nice to get healthy/lose x kg” just won’t cut it. We only work with women who are ready to achieve that healthy lifestyle to impact their work, family and life in a positive way.


  • Accountability + Direction

    1x1 private virtual coaching sessions


    Nutritional guidance and knowledge of how to eat according to lifestyle


    Personalised exercise programming tracked via an app


    24/7 access to Christine personally + quick mid week and end of week check-ins


    All structured within a great community of supportive women on the same journey + easy to follow modules


    Weekly FB lives in an exclusive group

Our Clients get amazing results

“… Just jump into it… because you can be wanting to do something, make the steps yourself and try to change your diet and exercise but it’s so hard to do it by yourself. Having the support of the group and having this (coaching).. it makes it so much easier and makes it feel more achievable. I recommend it 100 times over”

— Mairaed