Ep.18 - Why Protein Is Important In Healthy Eating


welcome to episode 18 of the storm fit project!

This episode is to help shine some light on what role protein has in our body and health



Have you ever wondered why quite a number of health coaches and fitness professionals encourage protein intake? 


Or.. if you're like me.. had the thought of.. ok.. I will eat the protein but.. WHY? Why do I need so much protein or why is it important?


In this episode, I aim to highlight why it is important and what function protein has in our bodies. Hopefully this will be able to help you make better, informed decisions when it comes to your nutrition and refuelling your body.

Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST

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Ep.19 - Are You The Person Who Can Get You To Your Goals?


Ep.17 - How Imperfection Got Anusha