Ep.14 - Where to Start?


welcome back to episode 14 of the storm fit project!

Today we address the topic of where and how do you start your journey?



Have you ever felt like it’s an all or nothing? “I either change and do 100% of my new lifestyle or I do nothing at all”

Or even feel overwhelmed because you’ve over-researched, overthought and overcomplicated the whole thing. There’s a LOT of different information out there and it can be too much most of the time.

Today I’m going to highlight a few key tips in how to start that helped not only me, but the driven women that I work with to achieve amazing results sustainably and actually maintain it LONG TERM.

Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEST

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Ep.15 - 5 Common Misconceptions of “healthy eating”


Ep.13 - Are You Stuck In A Loop?