Ep.12 - Self-care and laziness


welcome back to episode 12 of the storm fit project!

Today we explore the lovely topic of self-care and…. laziness!



“I need a break”… “ugh no, I can’t do nothing because I have to do x, y, z” … “I can’t believe I didn’t do anything today, I’ve been SO LAZY”.. (insert guilt and judgement here)

How many of us have variations of these thoughts in our head? I definitely am guilty of these and I have had MANY conversations with the driven women that I work with on this topic.

So I hope that today’s show will help bring awareness to the fact that taking time for yourself is in fact ABSOLUTELY OKAY and not only that, it’s actually MUCH NEEDED to help you achieve your goals.

Come join us for our weekly LIVE Q & A for the topic discussed in our FREE Strong, Toned and Confident FB Group. This week's LIVE will be on Friday 12.30pm AEDT

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Ep.13 - Are You Stuck In A Loop?


Ep.11 - The Difference Between A “Diet” And A “Lifestyle Change”